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War against Problem/Battle Extender - Prayer Points

O Lord give me the power for breakthrough tonight, in the name of Jesus

Zechariah 4:7: Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone With shouts of “Grace, grace to it!

1. Every power assigned to turn my life upside down, lose your hold and die, in the name of Jesus.

2. Whatsoever is in me that is enabling powers to extend battles in my life, die in Jesus’ name.

3. Every power prolonging affliction in my life, I bury you today, in the name of Jesus.

4. Every problem extender, every battle extender! I kill your power today, in the name of Jesus.

5. Every battle that has overstayed, in my life, expire by fire, in the name of Jesus

6. Every battle that the enemy has packaged in order to impoverish and subjugate me, I command it to expire by fire, in the name of Jesus

7. I overthrow every spirit of delay assigned against my breakthrough by fire, in the name of Jesus

8. Powers extending battles in my life! Die, in the name of Jesus.

9. By the thunder of your power O Lord, kill the power behind my problems, in the name of Jesus.

10. Every plot of the enemy to make my future a mere extension of my negative past, I scatter it by fire. In the name of Jesus

11. Yoke of struggles or failure at the edge of breakthrough break, in the name of Jesus.

12. You powers manufacturing long battles in my life, dry up by fire, in Jesus name

13. Let the finger of God arise and disgrace every power working against my peace, in the name of Jesus.

14. Every lion of death crouching to attack me die, in the name of Jesus.

15. I dismantle every chain–problem, in the name of Jesus.

16. Every battle/problem extending yoke from the heavenlies and the sea, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.

17. O God! Arise with your arm of strength and deliver me speedily,

in the name of Jesus.

18. You power of the oppressor, perish by fire, in the name of Jesus.

19. Fire of God, burn to ashes every altar of affliction raised against me, in the name of Jesus.

20. Negative dreams extending my problems, be reversed, in the name of Jesus

21. Powers planted in my life to rubbish my destiny, die! In the name of Jesus.

22. Let the finger of God arise and disgrace every power working against my peace, in the name of Jesus.

Thank you for the answered prayer


a. I decree an end to every witchcraft affliction, in Jesus name.

b. I must experience total deliverance by the power in the blood of Jesus.

c. I shall not die in problems, my problems shall surrender, in the name of Jesus.

d. No more shall the doors of my life be open to prolonged battle.

e. Today, I proclaim deliverance from every battle that has overstayed in your life

f. I decree freedom from every battle that has persisted beyond acceptable limits in my life.

g. I proclaim deliverance from every satanic arrangement that has followed me from year to year.

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