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War against Devourers - Prayer Points

:Holy Ghost! Empower me tonight

Lord! Let the heavenly hosts of heaven deliver me by fire

O Lord, let the blood of Jesus, arise and fight for me

1. My Father, My Father, no devour is permitted to waste my life, in the name of Jesus

2. Any thing in me, that is co-operating with the spirit of devourers to fight

against my life, come out! in the Name of Jesus.

3. O Lord, in your boiling anger, thunder against every dark power assigned to empty my life, in the name of Jesus

4. Any spirit of devourer assigned to scatter things in my life, I bind you, in

the name of Jesus

5. Any negative dream attacking my life, I bind you, I cancel you, in the

name of Jesus

6. Spirit of dryness, spirit of famine what are you looking for in my life,

I cast you out of my life, in the name of Jesus.

7. Every evil hand writing the obituary of good things in my life, receive the sword of fire and die, in the name of Jesus.

8. I command every satanic investment in my life, be shaken out by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ. 9. Every power seating on my harvest, be unseated by fire, in the name of Jesus.

10. Wasters, devourers, emptiers, and spoilers assigned against my life,

your time is up, die by fire, in the name of Jesus

11. Any power assigned to withhold my harvest and celebration this

season, you are a failure, fire of God consume them, in the name of


12. Power of death assigned against my progress, die in the name of Jesus.

13. I take authority over: family devourers; financial devourers; marriage devourers; health devourers; employment devourers, In the name of Jesus,

14. Powers militating against my fulfillment and uplifting, die by fire, in

the name of Jesus

15. O Lord! I am tied living with sickness and infirmity; deliver me by fire, in the name of Jesus

16. Fire of God, fall upon me and melt away every sickness that doctors cannot discover and treat in my body, in the name of Jesus

17. O God, after the order of Joseph, arise and use me to rewrite my

family history, in the name of Jesus

18. Agenda of disgrace, agenda of mockery assigned against my progress, backfire, in the name of Jesus

19. Every siege and invasion of diseases and infirmity on my life and family; I CRY AGAINST YOU! TURN BACK by the blood of Jesus! TURN BACK By FIRE!!! in the name of Jesus!

20. My health, hear the word of the Lord, be restored back in the name of Jesus.

21. I challenge my body with the healing fire of God, in the name of Jesus

22. Every spiritual caterpillar, locust and cankerworm wasting my efforts in life, I cast you out from my life in the name of Jesus.

23. My Father, My Father, no devourer is permitted to devour my life, in the name of Jesus


a. I degree and declare, wasters shall not waste my life, emptiers

shall not empty my life and destroyers shall not destroy my life, in the

name of Jesus

b. O Lord my God, restore unto me the years that canker-worm, caterpillar, palmer-worm and locust has eaten unto me, in the name of Jesus Christ. c. Jesus! (3ce) I need a change. Do not pass me by this month

d. This month, I know that the story of my life shall not hang in doubt; my God shall covert the story of my life to glory.

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