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Uncommon Deliverance(Dealing with the Tragic School of Oppression)

*Every throne giving Satan a legal right o hinder my life, come down by fire.

*Blood of Jesus! Arise; cleanse me from personal and inherited sins.

1. Every satanic covenant and curse working against my total deliverance break now by fire, in the name of Jesus

2. Every unrighteous decree over my life that has put me in my present predicament, break now! In the name of Jesus

3. Every satanic vow or pledge consciously or unconscious made to devils, expire by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus

4. Every generational or ancestral curse working against my life, break and expire, in the name of Jesus

5. O Lord, show me the secret of my problem.

6. You mind controlling spirit trying to mess up my life, I pull you down.

7. Powers, of oppression, I am not your candidate, die in the name of Jesus8. Owners of the load of oppression, hear the Word of the Lord, carry your load, in the name of Jesus9. Every strange voice contradicting the voice of God in my life, I silence you by fire.

10. Every stronghold of the spirit of death in my life, I pull you down, in the name of Jesus

11. Every evil spirit using my body as a house, come out now by fire, in the name of Jesus

12. Every evil power that entered into my body from age one (1) till now, manifest and come out now by fire, in the name of Jesus

13. Every problem that mysterious showed up in my life, disappear now, in the name of Jesus

14. Mysterious movements in my body, die, in the name of Jesus

15. Mysterious marks and growth in my body die, in the name of Jesus

16. Every satanic mark of identification that followed me from my mother’s womb, catch fire, in the name of Jesus

17. Every mysterious battle raging against my life, expire by fire, in the name of Jesus

18. O God arise! Over-rule every satanic decree on my head, in the name of Jesus

19. Every evil prophecy targeted at my head, gather together and backfire seven times, in the name of Jesus

20. Every dark power trying to bury my head in failure and defeat this, die, in the name of Jesus

21. Every darkness hanging over my head, clear away by fire, in the name of Jesus

22. I fire back every arrow of darkness targeted at me by reason of destructive covenants and curses, in the name of Jesus

23. Every power that has caged my life with the power of their tongues, I reverse it back by fire. I release myself from every bondage, in the name of Jesus.

24. Fire of God, consume every strange powers sitting on my body, in the name of Jesus.

25. Every power controlling my life through fear and worries, loose your hold over my life by fire, in the name of Jesus

26. I cancel by the blood of Jesus, every evil sacrifice working against my testimony, in the name of Jesus


a. I speak the peace of God over my life and my home, in the name of Jesus

b. Every damage done to my life through oppression, be repaired by the Blood of Jesus.

c. I declare by the Power in the Blood of Jesus that I shall fulfill my divine destiny, in the name of Jesus.

d. I refuse to be a slave to mind controlling spirits.

e. Every good thing that disappeared out of my life mysteriously, come back to me now.

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