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Prophetic Declarations for the Week of 7/23/23

Welcome to a new week. The mystery of the hostilities and project of curses of Balak and Balaam against Israel, is that, the children of Israel never knew such evils were going on against them. God fought for His people without them knowing it and the secret war against Israel never succeeded. This week, every secret war of enemies and evil workers against you and your family members will fail, the mighty hand of God will destroy prepared sacrifices, enchantments, divination, incantation, devices, altars and ordinances of darkness raised against you. Every pit of death dug for you and your family members will swallow their diggers, stones of darkness thrown in secret places against your health, wealth, work, marriage, peace and breakthrough will break the heads of their owners. Goliath prepared a flaming sword to cut the head of David but God reversed his plans and the same sword cut the head of Goliath, the Holy Spirit will turn the swords of your adversaries against themselves. Their arrows will go back to them and their traps will hold them. Your name will be burning fire in the mouths of your troublers. Anti-blessing arrows fired in witchcraft covens against you will kill the owners. The terrors of God will arrest your arresters and stop your stoppers. Your blessings will become the biggest miracles of all season, in the Mighty Name of Jesus

Have a blessed and glorious week. Stay Safe!

2023 is Your Year of Better Things!

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