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Prophetic Declaration for the Week of 2/12/23


his week, as the Lord lives, your expectation shall not fail, and your testimony will come. It shall be a week of rest, a week of harvest, a week of joy, a week of peace, a week of celebration and a week of divine turn-around. The Almighty God will perfect all that concerns you. You will receive the anointing to prosper, the work of your hand will prosper, you will prosper in health, your soul will prosper. The grace of God will flow for you. None of the prophetic words released to your life shall fail, they shall all be fulfilled for you. Whatever trap is set against you and your loved ones, the Lord that is greater than the greatest will make a way of escape. God says that you shall spend your days in prosperity and your years in pleasure, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Have a glorious week. Stay Safe

2023 is Your Year of Better Things. You are meant for Better Things!

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