Lord, we have countless reasons to say thank you. Thank you Father for all you have been doing in our lives and families since the beginning of this year. Our mouths are filled with praises and our hearts with gratitude.
Oh Lord my Father, I come to you concerning this season of the year, let it be known You are our God.
On this glorious morning of the first day of the Month, I stand as a mouthpiece of the Living God and pray that your life will make God’s praise glorious. Every person that is pregnant with evil concerning your life shall receive spiritual abortion. You will not labor in vain! You will not suffer miscarriage! God will deliver you from every spiritual pain you have suffered. In this 9th month of the year, every darkness that covered your life shall vanish. Every darkness that covered good things in your life shall disappear this month. Every power that is laboring to block you from the memory of God and of men shall be put to open disgrace this month. God shall remember you this month! Where they have forgotten you, my God shall cause men to remember and do you good. Anyone that is carrying an evil mandate to sabotage your success and victory this month shall be put to open disgrace and disaster. Every promise of God concerning your life that is wasting away and unattended to shall be called forth on your behalf this month. In these “ember” months (September, October, November, December), you and your family are divinely protected by the Blood of Jesus. No evil power shall drink or spill your blood. Today and forever, the good Lord will be a banner over you and your family, By His grace and by the potent power of the Most High, you and your loved ones shall be unmovable, unshakeable, and untouchable, in the Mighty name of Jesus.
This is your September to Remember.
Happy New Month. Be Safe