Psalm 9:19 Arise. O Lord let no man prevail
O God arise, use me as your battle axe to crack down the powers called the mighty, terrible and strongman.
1. O Lord, in your boiling anger, thunder against every dark power assigned to empty my life, in the name of Jesus
2. Every problem in my life that is rooted in my family background, be uprooted by fire, in the nam

e of Jesus
3. Foundationally rooted problems! Wherever you are rooted, come out now with all your root0s, in the name of Jesus.
4. Powers assigned to make me go into reverse, die! in the name of Jesus. 5. Every stronghold of the strongman in my family, die! in the name of Jesus. 6. Powers turning back the clock of my life, you are liars, die! in the name of Jesus. 7. You power that holds people captive in my family, I am tired of your bondage, release me and let me go.
8. My Father! Issue a death sentence against every troubler of my life, in the name of Jesus
9. O Lord, I am fed up living with sickness and infirmity; deliver me by fire.
10. Powers assigned to use sickness to pursue me to the grave, die! in the name of Jesus.
11. Fire of God, fall upon me and melt away every sickness that doctors cannot discover and treat in my body.
12. Hour of darkness! I can no more bear with you, expire now, in the name of Jesus
13. As I shout “blood of Jesus” seven times, every pollution in my blood, shall disappear! in the name of Jesus.
14. Anything planted in my life, to invite death, die! in the name of Jesus
15. Wicked enemies, assigned to tear my life apart, Lion of Judah, tear them apart! in the name of Jesus. 16. Strange forces occupying the centre of my life, clear away now, in the name of Jesus
17. Every satanic attachment giving Satan a legal ground to hold me captive, catch fire, in the name of Jesus
18. O Lord, run me through your fire and blood and rid me of evil spirits, in the name of Jesus
19. Every internal strong man operating evil network with powers from hell, loose your hold and go, in the name of Jesus
20. Satan! Demons!! Strange arrows and deposits!!! I refuse to accommodate you any further; clear out by fire, in the name of Jesus
21. Every food coded by Satan and fed into my system in the night, come out by fire, in the name of Jesus
22. You the power operating in my head! Receive fire and come out now, in the name of Jesus
23. Wherever they have caged my spirit, virtues, blessings, helpers, money and glory, be released now by fire, in the name of Jesus
a. Any power that is not happy with my laughter, that is not happy with my joy, that will desire that I go into everlasting sorrow, As a say a tenfold amen, before I leave this place, you must die! In the name of Jesus.
b. Every good thing that enemies have scattered or fragmented in my life, I gather together now, in the name of Jesus
c. Everything that is damaged in my life as a result of satanic attacks, be repaired and replaced by fire.
d. I refuse to be manipulated at the point of breakthrough!
e. Whatever witches and wizards have bought and locked up in their store houses must be released by fire, in the name of Jesus.