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Prayer Points against Evil Tenants

1. Every sin, curse and evil covenant working against my freedom, be wiped away by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus,

2. Everything in me that is resisting my total deliverance, die by fire, in the name of Jesus

3. Blood of Jesus! Arise, deliver and cleanse my spirit, soul and body, in the name of Jesus

4. Every power contesting my body with the Holy Spirit, come out, in the name of Jesus

5. By fire, by force! I chase away every sickness and infirmity living in my body, in the name of Jesus

6. Poison of darkness! I evacuate you out of my body by fire, in the name of Jesus

7. You evil tenant occupying my body, jump out and die in the name of Jesus.

8. Holy Ghost arise! Take over the temple of my life by fire, in the name of Jesus

9. Every secret throne raised up inside me by dark forces! I overthrow you by fire, in the name of Jesus

10. O, Lord! I am tired of accommodating sickness and infirmity, chase them out by fire.

11. Evil tenants! Your tenancy has expired; come out by fire, in the name of Jesus

12. Power over witchcraft tenants! Fall upon me and incubate my life, in the name of Jesus

13. Evil occupiers of my head! What are you waiting for! Die, in the name of Jesus

14. Evil occupiers of my hand! What are you waiting for! Die, in the name of Jesus

15. Evil occupiers of my brain! What are you waiting for! Die, in the name of Jesus

16. Evil occupiers of my waist! What are you waiting for! Die, in the name of Jesus

17. Evil occupiers of my eyes! What are you waiting for! Die, in the name of Jesus

18. Evil occupiers of my organs! What are you waiting for! Die, in the name of Jesus

19. Evil occupiers of my legs! What are you waiting for! Die, in the name of Jesus

20. Holy Ghost! Arise and circulate fire and blood through every department of my life now, in the name of Jesus.

21. Every load of witchcraft pressing me down in life, get out of my body now, in the name of Jesus

22. Excess luggage of inherited sickness in my body; come out with your entire root, in the name of Jesus

23. Every unprofitable load that entered into my body through what I ate in my dream, manifest and come out with all your roots.

24. Every satanic poison in my body system, be flushed out by fire.

25. As I drink the blood of Jesus and swallow the fire of the Holy Ghost, O Lord, purge me and rid me of evil deposits, in the name of Jesus

26. Every power digging holes into my pocket, bag, purse and storehouse, fall down and die.

27. Every good thing that enemies have scattered or fragmented in my life, gather together now, in the name of Jesus.

28. I barricade my life with the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus.

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