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Not My Blood in The “Ember” Months Acidic prayer points to stop satanic blood festival

There is a season in the calendar of Satan when demonic forces get into mad rush to shed innocent blood. Experience has shown that they do so in the last quarter of the year.

Blood of Jesus! Arise; deliver and cleanse my spirit, soul and body.

In the months of September, October, November and December (called the “ember” months), there is this widespread and unnecessary fear and horror that bedevils the human race because of the rage of Satan and his cohorts to spill innocent blood.

You must not allow anyone to spill your blood in the evil blood festival in the “ember” months.

O God arise and show your greatness in my life today.

O God of possibility, appear in my situation.


1. Blood battle assigned to turn my life upside down,die, in the name of Jesus.

2. Anyone chasing me at night to press me down and suck my blood, fall down and die.

3. Any power that has enter into blood covenant in order to destroy my life, let that covenant break by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.

4. Satanic blood festival! I say no to you this year. Expire by fire, in the name of Jesus.

5. Every accident prepared for me this season, scatter, in the anme of Jesus.

6. Vampire spirits! My blood is not your candidate; I confront you by fire, in the name of Jesus

7. Blood of Jesus fight and deliver me from any affliction programmed to waste my life, in Jesus name.

8. Terminal disease in my blood system, die, in the name of Jesus

9. Buyers and sellers of blood! I render my blood too hot and bitter for your business, in the name of Jesus

10. Evil pots and instruments for collecting blood! Scatter and burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus

11. Any blood speaking in my life and family that is not the blood of Jesus, I declare let that voice be silenced, in the name of Jesus.

12. Blood of Jesus! Arise and wipe out evil marks from my body, in the name of Jesus

13. You the months of September to December! My blood shall not be wasted in your dragnet, in the name of Jesus

14. You this ground! In the name of Jesus, I declare that you shall not drink my blood this year.

15. Holy Ghost fire! Circulate my spirit, soul and body and drive away every evil living inside me.

16. Blood of Jesus! Erase my name from the list of those marked for death this year, in the name of Jesus

17. God that answers by fire! Arise and make it impossible for enemies to spill my blood this year, in the name of Jesus

18. O Lord, run me through your fire and blood and rid me of evil spirits, in the name of Jesus.

19. Blood of Jesus! Arise! Raise up a standard against all those who rise up against me to dirnk my blood, in the name of Jesus.

20. Every witchcraft power that has stationed me for condemnation and judgment this night, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus

21. My Father! Arise! Sponsor deadly damage against coven structures in my dwelling place.

22. Every coven protest against my deliverance, backfire by fire.

23. Every coven gate closed last night against the manifestation of my blessings, open now by fire.

24. Holy Ghost fire, enter into my blood stream and flush out every poison of darkness from whatever source, in the name of Jesus.

25. Every disease and poison in my spirit, soul and body! Die and loose your hold.

26. Blood of Jesus purge my blood of every satanic food, in the name of Jesus.

27. Every coven decision taken last night to cage my destiny, backfire seven times, in Jesus name.

28. O God arise! Lift up my head above witchcraft destruction, in Jesus name.

O God, I thank you for answering all my prayers.


a. I refuse to expire and retire prematurely; therefore every dark personality ordained to terminate my destiny, fall down and die.

b. I refuse to trade off my divine inheritance. Whatever witches and wizards have bought and locked up in their store must be released by fire.

c. Everything that is damaged in my life as a result of satanic attacks, be repaired and replaced by fire.

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