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Never again is a declaration to avoid repeated tragedies, misfortunes and evil patterns.

Never Again means “not at any time in the future”

A ‘Never Again’ declaration is often said in response or reaction of an individual or a people who have suffered a tragedy or tragedies of great proportion. Never Again is a declaration and decision to do everything possible and necessary to prevent such tragedy or tragedies from happening again.

Isa. 62:8 ‘The Lord has sworn by His right hand and by His mighty arm: “Never Again will I give your grain as food for your enemies, and Never Again will foreigners drink the new wine for which you have toiled”

Prayer Points:

1. I declare Never Again! to any bad experience I have had in my life, you shall not repeat yourself, in the name of Jesus.

2. Repeated cycle of sickness, Never Again! Die by fire! in the name of Jesus.

3. I re-write my family history by fire, in the name of Jesus.

4. Repeated cycle of calamities, I cry against you, Never again! in the name of Jesus.

5. Affliction! Hear the word of the Lord, Never Again will you arise in my life!!! in the name of Jesus.

6. Witchcraft manipulations, I cry against you, Never Again! in the name of Jesus.

7. Evil arresters of my peace, I cry against you, Never Again! In the name of Jesus

8. Power of ‘almost there’, I cry against you, Never Again! In the name of Jesus.

9. Spirit of get and lose, I cry against you, Never Again! in the name of Jesus.

10. Powers closing my heavens, I cry against you, Never Again! in the name of Jesus.

11. Frustrations and backwardness, assigned against me, I cry against you, Never Again! In the name of Jesus.

12. Every disease and poison in my spirit, soul and body! I cry against you, Never Again! Die and loose your hold, in the name of Jesus

13. Everything programmed into my life by dream criminals and causing me pains and discomfort, come out with all your roots, in the name of Jesus

14. Shame and disfavor, I cry against you, Never Again! in the name of Jesus.

15. You power of diminishing returns, I cry against you, Never Again in my life! in the name of Jesus.

16. I refuse to expire and retire prematurely; therefore every dark personality ordained to terminate my destiny, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus

17. Satanic embarrassments, I cry against you, Never Again! In the name of Jesus

18. Everything, hear the word of the Lord, Turn Around for my Favor!!! in the name of Jesus.

19. Jericho wall of hindrance erected on my way to the next level, Never Again! Fall down flat, in the name of Jesus

20. Every satanic mark placed upon my life and property, be wiped out by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus

21. Whatever the enemy has pressed down and rendered useless in my life! Be released by fire, in the name of Jesus


22. Never again shall I be the victim of evil desire of the enemy, in the name of Jesus

23. Never again shall I experience sorrow and pains, in the name of Jesus

24. Never again shall evil cries be heard in my family, in the name of Jesus

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