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Dealing With The Winds of Life

There are various winds on the earth. Each wind serves a specific purpose. Going through the Bible you will notice that each type of wind is called by its specific name. We also discover from the Scriptures that different winds play different roles.

The Bible mentions four major winds: the east wind, the west wind, the south wind, and the north wind. There are other kinds of winds mentioned in the Bible such as the whirlwind, Euroclydon, storm, dry wind, and blast to mention a few. As far as God is concerned, every wind has a function.

Looking at these various winds and examining the specific roles they play from a biblical perspective, this knowledge will put us in a better position to deal with wind-related issues spiritually that affect our lives.

Note, that God has given us dominion over all that He has created. However, in many cases, we do not exercise our dominion and authority. As God’s children, we are to control the elements of the earth, just like Joshua commanded the sun not to set and the moon to stay until he finished the battle at hand and these elements obeyed him. In Mark 4:39, we read when Jesus and His disciples were crossing to the other side the wind blew contrary to the course of the ship, Jesus commanded the wind and it obeyed him. As God’s children, we are expected to exercise the same level of authority. When you are aware of the specific role each wind play, then you will understand how certain problems experienced in life are wind-related. You will also learn how to address each wind specifically

East Wind: The east wind is about the most significant and by far, the most mentioned in the bible. This wind is a destructive kind of force. Wherever it is mentioned in the bible it refers to something being destroyed or put to ruin. The east wind is a mighty wind that is witnessed when something violent is about to take place (Ps 48:7; Jonah 4:8; Ezek 19:12, Job 1:19). The Bible reveals that it was the east wind that Moses commanded to bring destructive locust upon Egypt (Exodus 10:13). Likewise, the seven ears of corn in Pharaoh’s dream were reportedly blasted and thus damaged by the east wind (Genesis 41:6). When God introduces the east wind His goal is to embarrass and throw the enemy into confusion.

West wind: This wind is only mentioned once in the bible and its purpose is very clear (Exo 10:19). The purpose of this wind is to reverse the destructive effects of the east wind: When the west wind comes it brings divine blessing, freedom, refreshment, renewal, and revival.

South Wind: The South wind, as revealed in the Scriptures, is a more gentle blowing wind. In the book of Job 37:17, we are told what this wind stands for. Luke 12:55 tells us it brings warmth or heat. The south wind conveys the heat of judgment to the midst of those who are trying to attack you. The south wind brings warmth and heat, and it's used by God in relation to location and direction.

North wind mentioned in the book of Songs of Solomon 4:16, Prov. 25:23.The north wind is a messenger of God’s terrible majesty (Job 37:22). When it comes it drives away the rain.

There is the tempest (Job 9:17; Isaiah 54:11), stormy wind (Ezekiel 13:13), whirlwind ( Zechariah 7:14; Jerm. 23:19), etc

Now, what is the purpose of all this talk of winds? Everything in the Bible has spiritual implications. We are told in the Bible Eph 2:2 that Satan is the prince of the power of the air. We must take control of the spiritual wind that blows our way.

Prayer Points:

1. Every wind of misfortune, sickness, failure programmed into my life backfire, in the name of Jesus

2. Every satanic wind affecting my life, I rebuke you, in the name of Jesus.

3. Every wind blowing good things out of my life, I silence you now, in the name of Jesus

4. Any evil wind programmed against my destiny you shall not prosper, in the name of Jesus

5. All good things which I have lost to the wind be restored back to me, in Jesus name

6. Every evil wind targeted against my life and family, backfire! In the name of Jesus

7. Every evil word spoken into the element against my life, you shall not prosper, be scatted, in the name of Jesus

8. Every contrary wind assigned against me, backfire, in the name of Jesus

9. Thou power of the north wind, drive away every rain of sorrows, arrest every rain of darkness falling in the garden of my destiny, in the name of Jesus

10. Thou west wind of deliverance, arise from your abode and scatter all evil planted in my life, in the name of Jesus

11. Every evil agenda of darkness in my life be scattered by the south wind, in the name of Jesus

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