I destroy all hindrances against my prayers in the name of Jesus.
I rebuke and bind all anti-deliverance demons, anti-progress demons and anti-miracle demons
O Lord, give me the tongue of fire to renounce and denounce very
negative words pronounced against me, in Jesus name
1. Holy Spirit! Open my eyes to discover whatever qualifies to be a curse in my life.
2. Every ungodly mouth that is laboring to destroy my life, My Father,
frustrates them and let their evil words return back to sender, in the
name of Jesus
3. Every voice speaking to terminate my existence, your time is up; die! In the name of Jesus. 4. Blood of Jesus, break every curse working against my life! In the name of Jesus.
5. Curses in my family line, die! In the name of Jesus.
6. Power of ancestral and generational curses! Break and expire.
7. Every curse placed in the ground for my sake, break and expire, in the name of Jesus
8. Every curse placed in the ground for my family, break and expire, in the name of Jesus.
9. Every curse intended to close my heavens, break and expire, in the name of Jesus
10.. Every curse working against answers to my prayers, break now, in the name of Jesus
11. Every curse of demotion programmed into my destiny, I deprogram and fire you back to sender, in the name of Jesus
12. Every dead person that dropped evil words against my life before going
to the grave, your evil words shall be buried with you, in the name of
13. I break and nullify all curses against me made by evil tongues in the
air, on the earth, under the earth, in the waters above or underneath, in
the name of Jesus
14. Every curse of limitation and setback, break now, in the name of Jesus
15. Hidden curses and covenants! Break and expire, in the name of Jesus
16. Curse of premature death! Break and expire, in the name of Jesus
17. Owners of evil loads, hear the Word of the Lord; carry your load! In the name of Jesus. 18. Satanic prayer against my life, I cancel you by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus!
19. Witchcraft curses! Break and expire now, in the name of Jesus
20. Every evil word spoken against my life, by the blood of Jesus you shall
not prosper, in the name of Jesus
21. Every mouth of darkness! Speaking against me, hear the word of the
Lord! You are lair; Shut up in the name of Jesus
22. Every swallowing grave that is speaking against me, I silence you
by fire, in the name of Jesus
23. Divine restoration, arise and locate me in the name of Jesus
a. I render my life a dry place to curses and evil covenants
b. I revoke every evil mandate given to dark powers to implement curses upon my life.
c. O Lord, convert curses into blessings in my life
d. Every good thing covered from me through curses and evil covenants, be revealed now by fire.
f. Blessings and honor! Roll into my life now.