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Dealing with Stubborn Problems and Attacks

What is a stubborn problem?

1. Any problem that defiles solution

2. Any problem that is unwilling to yield

3. Any problem that repeats its' self in occurrence

4. Any problem that wants to see the end of a person’s life

5. Any problem that gives a person a negative identity

Prayer Points:

1. Ancient of Days fight for me and give me total victory today. in the name of Jesus.

2. O Lord, every incantation and evil prophecies working against me, back to your sender, in the name of Jesus

3. I receive Divine Power and rule over every stubborn situation in my life, in the name of Jesus

4. Problems assigned to destroy me, go back to the sender, in the name of Jesus

5. Blood of Jesus, work for me and deliver me from stubborn attack, in the name of Jesus.

6. Any blood relation or acquaintance that is using my picture to fight and attack me, I raise the blood of Jesus against you, in Jesus name.

7. Every stubborn problem of no solution, assigned to make things difficult for me, be purged out of my life, by the blood of Jesus.

8. Every generational bondage causing limitations in my life, break, in the name of Jesus

9. Every power saying my prayers would always be in vain, you are a liar, receive the thunder of God, and die, in the name of Jesus

10. Every stubborn giant parading freely in the garden of my life, fall die and die, in the name of Jesus

11. O Lord, My God, disgrace the root of all inherited stubborn problems in my life, in the name Jesus

12. Any power that has entered into blood covenant in order to destroy my life, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus

13. I release my destiny from the hands of the stubborn pursuers, in the name of Jesus

14. My Father, let every evil arrow fired against me from the wicked BACKFIRE 21 times! In the name of Jesus

15. Every foundational stubborn problem tormenting my life, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus

16. O Lord, turn every evil arrow of torment back to the sender, in the name of Jesus.

17. Any long-term afflictions in my life, you are not my Maker, so, therefore, I challenge you by fire, in the name of Jesus, pack your loads and get out of my life! In the name of Jesus

18. Every evil deposit, evil load hindering my life____(mention it), dry up by fire, in the name of Jesus

19. My enemies, hear the word of the Lord, my problems are over, it is now your turn, therefore carry your load, in Jesus name.

20. I command the root of any problems in my life to dry to the roots, in the name of Jesus

21. Any stubborn power behind my present predicaments and attacks, I bury you alive, in the name of Jesus.

22. I rebuke every storm assigned to take away God’s glory in my life, in the name of Jesus.

23. O God arise and trouble the troubler of my life, in the name of Jesus

24. You! My life, hear the word of the Lord, you shall not be cut short, in the name of Jesus

25. By fire by force I withdraw those things giving my enemies joy, in the name of Jesus

26. My name, bring fear upon my enemies, in the name of Jesus

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